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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Overcome Fears

Fear is natural defensive mechanism in a human body, and is provided as a protective mechanism to counter unexpected dangerous situations or a perceived threat of injury. Fear is also a tool for us to get ready well in advance to overcome certain scenarios, which requires a solid defense. If confronted with a danger, we will try to avoid the cause of danger itself, while if we are given a choice of performing something that is potentially harmful; we will invariably avoid that potentially dangerous situation. In some cases, fear is considered very desirable for human psyche, but in other extreme cases, fear factor may overpower us to such an extent that, we tend to live permanently with a nagging fear. In such instances, managing the fear factor in our psyche becomes very difficult and sometimes even unmanageable. Overcoming fears is not as easy as it perceived to be because the very idea of fear becomes scary or frightening to many people.

Just consider this curious fact: it is estimated that fear can affect as high as 60% of the people in the world. Fear can make people nervous and scary; people tend to get fear of all things which are mostly imaginary. People are frightened of ghosts, failure, success, people, animals, or anything that seem very frightening. People are frightened to appear on a public stage or if they are assigned to give a public lecture. People do get afraid of exams, tests and interviews or even talking to people. It is difficult to define the shape or form of fear, its kind and occurrence. While many external stimuli may make us fearful of some things or events, fear is also a symptom of serious mental illness, as in the case of chronic schizophrenia. Overcoming fears is an ultimate challenge to us as well as medical professionals.

There are several kinds of fears, out of which some are completely normal and rational. On the other hand there are other types of fear which are abnormal and needs treatment to overcome those fears. While the fear arising due to the factor of physical harm is perfect, fear of looking foolish in the eyes of others and being made fun because of it, is probably a sign of negative personal trait. There are several phobias and symptoms which are often very hard to get rid of due to their association with our psyche itself. Normal fear is temporary and usually fizzles out, once we known that we have passed through the dangerous phase of fear.

Overcoming fears arising out natural reasons is easy, as the person will come out of it all by himself. In such cases, people can learn to overcome the natural fear, provided someone shows them, that there is absolutely nothing to fear in the given situation. You can overcome fears by building confidence in your capability to perform such a task. That is usually performed by carrying out something difficult or presumably dangerous and observing that the final consequences of failure are not that bad or that the chances of failure are very remote. The ultimate benefit of overcoming fears is that you feel proud about your achievement and about your abilities to repeat it again.

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